Asthma Guide

Our Asthma Guide materials are free (in digital format) for use and distribution. Our leaflets cover various topics related to asthma education, written in an easy-to-understand format. In addition, make sure to download our Asthma Action Plan and Asthma Diary.

Print copies of these leaflets are available through NAEP at a cost – [email protected].

What is Asthma?

Asthma affects the breathing pipes or tubes, called airways or bronchi. When we breathe in, air passes through the voice-box and down the wind-pipe (called the trachea). The wind-pipe branches into the two main bronchi which take air into the two lungs...

What is NAEP?

The National Asthma Education Programme (or NAEP for short) was started in 2008. We are a registered Non-Profit Organisation that aims to disseminate impartial information about asthma diagnosis and treatment to health professionals and the South African public

Asthma Medicines

Medicines that are used regularly, whether symptoms are present or not, are called controllers (sometimes preventers). Controllers work by reducing the inflammation that results in swelling, mucus and muscle tightening around the airways

Asthma and Pregnancy

A pregnant woman with asthma may have concerns about her asthma as well as her medications. All commonly used medications for asthma treatment are safe in pregnancy.

Risk Factors for Asthma

A risk factor is something that increases your chances of getting a disease or condition. In the case of asthma there are two different types of risk factors. There are risk factors for developing asthma, and there are separate risk factors for those who already have asthma getting a severe asthma attack

Asthma Medicine Poster

A South African Asthma medicine poster for doctors and public alike. This poster is updated every few years, and details the latest asthma medicine on the South African market – controller, anti-inflammatories, long acting bronchi, relievers, and combination medicines.

Control your Asthma

Asthma usually causes symptoms over a long period and cannot be cured. But asthma can be kept under control so that those affected are able to live normal lives enjoying full involvement in sport and all other activities.

Asthma Action Plan

With the help of your doctor, every asthmatic should have an Asthma Action Plan on hand. This will spell out how to treat your asthma daily, and what to do when your symptoms get worse. A must for schools, caregivers or employers.

Allergy and Asthma

An allergy is when someone has a bad reaction to something in the environment that other people can tolerate. We get allergies when our bodies defence system hurts us instead of protecting us.

Asthma Diary

Asthma affects the breathing pipes or tubes, called airways or bronchi. When we breathe in, air passes through the voice-box and down the wind-pipe (called the trachea). The wind-pipe branches into the two main bronchi which take air into the two lungs...

Asthma in children under 5

Asthma is chronix inflammation of the airways in the lungs. In asthma, the airways in the lung narrow due to swelling of the mucosa, increased mucus production, and spasm of the airways.

Sport and Asthma

People with asthma should be encouraged to take part in any sport they choose. If someone with asthma is having difficulty with sport, it means their asthma may not be under control.

Lung function Tests

Another way of assessing asthma control is to do tests that measure the function of your lungs. These tests are sometimes also done to help with the diagnosis of asthma.